
My Journey to Ambi: Emily Yost

A Passion for People: Bringing the Heart of the House to Tech

Emily’s journey has been marked by unexpected twists and turns. Originally drawn to the field of pharmaceuticals, she later found herself captivated by the world of restaurants. Armed with a degree in Business and Hospitality Management, Emily discovered her passion for crafting memorable experiences for restaurant guests and building cohesive teams behind the scenes. When the pandemic dealt a blow to the restaurant industry, she was prompted to contemplate a change. Through conversations within her network and beyond, Emily ultimately realized that “you don’t necessarily have to pursue a career directly related to your field of study or previous industry experience. There are plenty of transferable skills, and the knowledge acquired along the way can be incredibly valuable. It all boils down to figuring out what you truly want to do.” 

Leveraging her network, Emily reconnected with Joe Ruck, Ambi’s VP of Marketing and Communications, who facilitated her meeting with CEO Jim Liefer. Despite initial reservations about jumping into robotics—a field seemingly far removed from her previous experiences—Emily recognized the potential for her skills to transfer and thrive across diverse domains. With a mix of apprehension and excitement, she embraced the opportunity to explore new horizons.

“I believed I could add value, not so much on the engineering side, but in building processes, team recruitment, and charting the course for where Ambi could go in the coming years. It’s really about leveraging your network and figuring out how you can contribute to any company or team.”

Jumping In and Diving Deep: Embracing The Business from A to Z 

“My approach was to dive in, fully commit, learn about the entire operation, and gradually shoulder more responsibilities.”

True to her words, Emily dove into her role at Ambi with unwavering dedication. Currently, her primary focus revolves around HR administration, a multifaceted role that involves bridging connections across various teams and projects. From building employee onboarding procedures to orchestrating engaging all-company events while liaising with external groups, Emily ensures seamless operations while upholding compliance standards and enhancing workplace safety protocols. 

Serving as a pillar across multiple teams, she provides invaluable support, leveraging her passion for the people side of things—a passion that has resonated with her since her days in the restaurant industry.

Fostering a Culture of Innovation 

Embracing new challenges requires a sense of comfort with taking risks, and that’s precisely the atmosphere we cultivate at Ambi. This energy struck her as unique from the beginning, “I could sense they were genuinely good people doing exciting work, and I wanted to contribute.” Since joining Ambi, Emily has been a huge contributor to that goal, supporting a continuous learning environment, and creating a safe space for trying things out.

New Perspectives & Different Voices

Advocating for diversity and inclusion across industries is something Emily champions, herself having entered the field without a background in robotics. She encourages individuals from various sectors to step out of their comfort zones and explore new horizons. By embracing unfamiliar challenges, we not only expand our skill sets but also contribute to a more inclusive and innovative community. 

“Even if your background is in something like the restaurant industry, the customer service skills you’ve honed there are valuable, and it’s important to highlight how you’ve taken care of your team.”

Even before officially joining  Ambi, Emily recognized the importance of increasing the number of women within the company. In April of 2022, Emily led our collaboration with the UC Berkeley Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers. This initiative not only underscores her commitment to fostering diversity but also reflects her dedication to empowering the next generation of robotics. As we continue to champion inclusivity, Emily’s efforts serve as a testament to the transformative impact of women in shaping the future of robotics.

 “Share your experiences. They can be impactful, transferable, and relevant.”